The Advantages Of Installing Stainless Steel Balustrades On Your Pub's Deck
Few things go together as well as a sunny day and an ice-cold pint, and installing a raised, sheltered deck outside your pub or bar gives your customers a great place to soak up the rays while they soak up your booze. However, one too many drinks can lead to some nasty tumbles (and nastier lawsuits) if you don't install protective balustrades on your deck. But choosing suitable materials for your handrails can be more challenging than you might think.
While traditional deck balustrades are made from timber, and many modern version are made from durable vinyl plastics, investing in a set of stainless steel balustrades can be an excellent investment for any pub deck. This unique metal has a number of properties that make it ideal for your purposes:
Even if your deck is sheltered with a pergola or awning, your deck's balustrades will still be constantly exposed to the elements, and balustrades made of lesser materials can rot and degrade rapidly in the face of this constant punishment. Stainless steel balustrades, on the other hand, are likely to outlast the rest of your deck and shrug off inclement weather, heavy impacts and weighty loads without cracking, buckling or falling to pieces. The chromium content of stainless steel also makes stainless steel balustrades completely immune to rust, even without coatings.
An elegant timber balustrade can be very decorative, but also rather flimsy when confronted with heavy loads, and the weight of your increasingly inebriated clientele leaning on them for support can cause weak balustrades to fail entirely. Stainless steel balustrades are capable of handling immense weight, allowing even the heaviest of patrons to use your balustrades for support with confidence.
Choice of designs
When it comes to choosing your stainless steel balustrades, you aren't limited to the simple, austere balustrades seen outside many commercial buildings. Stainless steel balustrades can be crafted in a wide variety of styles (especially if you have yours fabricated to order), and although they do not require protective surface treatments they take well to paints and powder coatings. Stainless steel balustrades can therefore complement both modern and traditionally-styled pubs.
Easy maintenance
Stainless steel has a non-porous surface that does not trap moisture and is therefore very easy to keep clean and sanitary; a simple wipe down with a damp rag and a mild disinfectant is generally all you need to keep them in trim. By contrast, timber balustrades must be waxed and oiled regularly to stave off rot, while plastic balustrades are vulnerable to permanent staining and sun-bleaching that can mar their looks significantly.
If you decide to tear up your deck to make room for other amenities or wish to replace an aging deck, stainless steel balustrades can easily reused for your new deck or other purposes as you see fit. If you have no more use for them, they can be sold to a scrap merchant service for considerable sums, as stainless steel is highly valued as a scrap metal.