Two Primary Considerations When Investing In a Rainwater Tank

10 May 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Irrespective of your intentions, be it leading a more eco-conscious lifestyle or are looking to save some money on household related costs, investing in a rainwater tank is exceptionally beneficial. And if you happen to be affected by the drought that is ravaging certain parts of Australia, rainwater harvesting may be your best course of action! Nevertheless, not many people know what factors they need to ponder when deliberating the purchase of a tank. Here are two primary considerations to keep in mind when investing in a rainwater tank.

Consider the material the rainwater tank is made of

The first thing you will notice about rainwater tanks is that there is a wide selection of materials to choose. However, this range of materials is not to suit your aesthetic preference. Instead, you need to factor in aspects such as how you will utilise the water, installation costs, location and so on before you decide which material will be best. For example, poly tanks are a favourite since they are economical and come in a range of colours. Nonetheless, you would have to invest in a food grade lining for the tank if your ultimate intent is to utilise the water for household consumption. Fibreglass material is another option that is steadily increasing in popularity, but since it absorbs a lot of light, the erection of a shelter will be imperative to prevent algae from breeding in your water.

Consider the filtration system for the tank

While rainwater is essentially pollutant free, it does become vulnerable to contamination when it is making its way into your tank. From filthy roofing to dirty shingles, there is always the chance of debris being washed into your tank as you are harvesting the rainwater. Fortunately, there are multiple types of filtration systems that you can consider depending on your budget as well as how pure you want your water. For starters, it is always advisable to invest in a diverter. This contraption is tasked with flushing out the first runoff of rainwater away from the tank so that dirt and other particulate matter does not enter your tank. Secondly, you should then decide on whether you want a pre-filtration system or a post-filtration system. Pre-filtration systems will eliminate a majority of the contaminants from the water before it reaches your tank, but it is not completely thorough. Hence, this system is ideal if you want to use the collected water or external purposes such as a swimming pool, irrigation and so on. Post filtrations systems, on the hand, can filter at lower micron levels, so your water is purer and safe for ingestion.
